Tecon Suape launches mobile app

Tecon Suape S.A. recently launched a mobile app to provide customers and end users with improved overall experience through the app’s digital value-added features.

The first phase development of the app focuses on establishing seamless communication with truckers with the aim of streamlining and monitoring container delivery and collection at the terminal, eliminating the use of paper, and facilitating self-management for drivers.  

Using the driver module, truck drivers can also access videos containing instructions regarding port activities, view list of appointments, and receive various notifications related to the terminal.

The second phase, scheduled to launch this month, would grant access to delivery and collection schedules, electronic filling out of export documents, as well as other customer-driven solutions.

Finally, the third phase would feature additional functionalities and agile solutions for customers.  It is scheduled for launch during the first quarter of 2021.

The Tecon Suape App is available for download at the App Store and Google Play Store.