Global Legal rolls out legal education in Subic

TEA Time seminar participants
The ICTSI Global Corporate Legal Affairs (GCLA) department conducted a Terminal Exposure Awareness (TEA) Time seminar last 23 June for Subic Bay International Terminals (SBITC).
Spearheaded by Atty. Mark C. Acoymo, the seminar was held at the SBITC Training Hall in coordination with the SBITC Health and Safety and Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) Claims teams. SBITC personnel from Operations, Health and Safety, Engineering, Human Resource and Finance departments, participated in the seminar and shared their experiences as integrated points of discussion.
The TEA Time seminar is a component of GCLA’s Legal Education initiative and deals with legal exposure and implications of daily operational activities of a terminal. The seminar also tackled the applicable strategies to eliminate or mitigate legal risks that could arise from such activities.
As a series and continuing seminar program, TEA Time will be conducted in phases for the terminals.